It was really good being back after missing Warcry and it was awesome to see all my buds again!

+This may be a con for some, but as a fire elementalist, I do enjoy killing me some trolls. Makes me feel extremely useful. XD
+ The birthday demon raid on Friday was hilarious and amazing! My birthday was ten days prior and it was cool that in the same month of my actual birthday I got to fight a specially tailored monster for me...
+...Twice, because of my shadow-self that popped out of my tarot deck. It was fun going one-on-one with myself
+ Good, fair loot is always good.
+ Weather held up!
+ Putting my new weapon through the works, which held up great!
+ Big monster didn't swing massive! Yaaay!
+ New player packages are awesome and honestly a great idea and honestly I don't see as a pay-to-win since the cost of one is the cost of an unprelogged game and therefore first-time players can just do what equates to paying for their first game.
+ 'Dark' elementals screaming scared the piss out of me! Been awhile since I've been scared like that at event, felt really good!

+ Really looking forward to how the entire town being displaced goes!
- Some bad swings this game. I usually don't have a problem with being hit hard, just not in the head. I mean, shit happens; but perhaps we could all use some more practice, myself included.
- Heat. Heat doesn't usually bother me and I know the weather cannot be helped, but it was minimally annoying that I often had to wipe sweat from my eyes.
- Unfortunate confusion for some players on how line-of-sight effects work, which I will make a post for in the rules section of the forums.