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Event Review - Down Came the Reign
Thumbs Up 
Leeeeets hear em! Let us know what you like and what you think needs improvement. We love suggestions and praise. 

If you would like to submit a private review you can send it to
- The All Seeing Eye -
- Backstory Wizard -

Backstory Email:
Personal Email:
It was really good being back after missing Warcry and it was awesome to see all my buds again! Big Grin
+This may be a con for some, but as a fire elementalist, I do enjoy killing me some trolls. Makes me feel extremely useful. XD
+ The birthday demon raid on Friday was hilarious and amazing! My birthday was ten days prior and it was cool that in the same month of my actual birthday I got to fight a specially tailored monster for me...
+...Twice, because of my shadow-self that popped out of my tarot deck. It was fun going one-on-one with myself
+ Good, fair loot is always good.
+ Weather held up!
+ Putting my new weapon through the works, which held up great!
+ Big monster didn't swing massive! Yaaay!
+ New player packages are awesome and honestly a great idea and honestly I don't see as a pay-to-win since the cost of one is the cost of an unprelogged game and therefore first-time players can just do what equates to paying for their first game.
+ 'Dark' elementals screaming scared the piss out of me! Been awhile since I've been scared like that at event, felt really good! Big Grin
+ Really looking forward to how the entire town being displaced goes!

- Some bad swings this game. I usually don't have a problem with being hit hard, just not in the head. I mean, shit happens; but perhaps we could all use some more practice, myself included.
- Heat. Heat doesn't usually bother me and I know the weather cannot be helped, but it was minimally annoying that I often had to wipe sweat from my eyes.
- Unfortunate confusion for some players on how line-of-sight effects work, which I will make a post for in the rules section of the forums.
Just wanted to throw my ten cents in from the npc side of things.
i was honestly worried that whole event that the town was about to get massacred but for the most part town held up and gave back better then what they got! i was really impressed with the last mod particularly where a couple of protections casters pooled there arcane powers to turn a humble pirate cut throat into a greenskin lawnmover. special shout out to Kyrem for be the only pc i saw identifying trolls and turning off their regen with fire missiles, just excellent resource management and tactical assessment, well done.

saw some new folks who could use a little guidance in boffer combat, swings and thrusts need to have a degree of realism in the form of 45-90 degree swings and pulling back for a meaningful thrust. a few time it looked like someone was dancing the hokey pokey rather than perforating me with sword thrusts

P.S. Don't fuck with mist marauders just hide in the woods until they get bored, those guys don't screw around.
Elderly Human man wearing a long grey coat over chainmaille.
I didn't realize you guys were mist marauders until someone told me Sunday morning. I thought they lived on boats with vampire captains and etc. Remember Hallows last year? Were the orc and goblin tabards and masks supposed to rep dead goblins and orcs? We assumed they were alive and asleep, and I didn't understand why they were living with mist marauders, which I didn't know were mist marauders until the next day.

That's just insight into the mind of a PC. Don't answer any questions - I'll find out in game.

This event was fun, and this year is turning into an exercise in sleep deprivation. But as long as Brian can do it, I will not be bested.

I won't comment on mods and plot because as you can see above, I was a sweaty, cramping, fat, delirious piece of shit all weekend and in no position to take in and enjoy the artistry of what happened. And there was artistry, combat mods at Ralinwood are always exceptional (coming from someone who has to write many of them and knows first hand that it is not easy like players think).

I was almost bit bitter around Saturday night at just how difficult things seemed to be on me, and maybe only me?, and I was wondering how other players didn't have all these issues with breaches and getting slayed a million times and whatnot.


Instead I will say that there was a moment today when I sat at the tavern waiting for the Brigadier and looked around, and realized I was town's problem this weekend. It was like coming out of the shock-horror moment of a movie like Platoon and being dropped into Lord of the Rings. All around me I saw nigh-immortal races that lived for centuries, those wielding the power of the gods, mages who could alter the mind and shape the elementals, a half-zombie necromancer, vikings with greatswords that cut twice as deep as my longsword, people that could kill me in a heartbeat. I'm pretty sure I saw an elf archer surf a shield down a staircase at one point?

And I was just a man with a sword.
Who wasn't particularly good at using his sword.
Wearing an oversized hat.
So basically I probably deserved to get my shit pounded in for 8 hours on and off from trolls, giant orcs, basilisks, beings of pure shadow, etc.

Tl;dr Great event, I need to practice how to make fight and be less of a fat nerd.
OOG: Constantine Collias
Yeah, unfortunately we had a malfunction with our smoke bomb and didn't get it off until the fight had already started. We are insanely sorry for this, but technical malfunctions happen and we had to roll with it. Thank you to Curtis for sprinting to Anthony in Town Centre who had a lighter. We will be carrying lighters from now on...I mean...If we ever need to light smoke bomb again. >.>
- The All Seeing Eye -
- Backstory Wizard -

Backstory Email:
Personal Email:
Its fine. There was smoke - I actually thought it was deliberate to help people's lungs to pop it way behind and let the air blow it in. The smoke wouldn't have made me understand they were mist marauders lol.
OOG: Constantine Collias
you were supposed to find on closer inspection that the orcs weren't sleeping in pools of their own blood they were in fact dead already. once you guys realized that the mist was supposed to herald your doom. it sucks how one technical thing goes wrong and things go so wonky maybe another descriptive hold could have helped but yeah i feel like a lot of people didn't know or had forgotten how bad marauders are.
Elderly Human man wearing a long grey coat over chainmaille.
Oh man, this game was a first.

Such a whiplash going from a merc with lots of armor (sometimes) and a hefty amount of body to a mage with no amor.

I now know why the rulebook says you can identify mages via how much cardio they do. I ran, SO MUCH.

Had a lot of fun. Good RP most of the time, the rest of the time was my fault.
Mage Practice was fun, missing a lot was intentional I swear. Totally intentional.
Mages Guild. I like you guys. Fairly decently organized. Not wanting to take my things. Open to new people.

I really had no cons. Well done. I am continually impressed with the mods you guys come up with.
I LOVE you all so much. Once again I had so much fun this weekend.
-I got to do sooo many things, and yet I didn't seem to do enough
-I am happy, I got to see and learn more about my Doctor skills.
-I got to Sap people!! (I actually used a skill for once!)
-Loot! (I know playing a doctor makes getting loot harder- but it should not be this hard. Two games before receiving one loot seems pretty shitty.)
- Walking around a very Stoned Ranger- This way so much fun!!
-Watching people's faces when they learn of my big brother!
- I got to stab people with my Stiletto!


I know this might be a dumb one, but is there anyway we can use even one flare during the night to give some idea where people are standing- even just for foot holdings.

-The 4 hour bridge hold- if we do this again, can we have a water run brought up more then once?
River RedClaw, mother of way to many.
often seen hiding behind the group.
OOG: Tara
That was a hot game.

+ Who lives in a cave system under the sea?
+ The Physignathus roleplay on Saturday was fun.
+ The Mist Marauders are terrifying. Risen are more terrifying.
+ Combat was hard. This felt like much more of a fight for survival then many other events.

- The bridge mod could've used something to break up the time a little better. I'm guessing the idea for us was to take shifts, but it didn't seem to work out that way. Maybe a wanderer or something to interact with? I like the idea of holding a post, and it makes complete sense in-game to be waiting around like that, but I think the heat killed some of the fun. Thank you Derek for getting us moved into the shade.

Very fun event. Looking forward to September.
Piece of garbage fire looking Einher.

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