06-20-2019, 01:48 PM
- There has been unusually cold weather to the north west of ralinwood.
-ice elementals have been spotted more frequently
-a few winter fae have been rumored to be seen
-A raven with blue-tipped feathers has been seen flying over Ralinwood.
-Two Pavillion cells containing convicted people were mysteriously found empty, though the doors remained locked.
-Various plants have been recently dug up from sites in the forest
-A young kobold has been named captain of the wardens.
-Travellers report a funny smell coming from a cart inbound to town.
-A large group of fauns has been seen dancing in the forest
-A farmer reports he saw a ladybug turn into a dragonfly on his tomato plants
-Occasional Orc pairings have been seen trekking through the outskirts of Town with guards towards the mountains, they approach no closer..
-Word is that deliveries to a few locations around Town haven't turned up for far too long...
-Groups of organized bandits have been ambushing unsuspecting travelers
-A goblin was caught by pavillion guards attempting to poison food supplies
-A blue draconian has been spotted cautiously wandering the outskirts of town
- The farms have reportedly less Squamata and sabotage activity. It seems that without the Gremmel to build their dams, the Shak’tar and Boggrel have lessened their efforts.
- Gremmel have been seen occasionally near Ralinwood. They seem friendly, if a little subdued and unsettled.
- The nights are filled with distant howls.
-ice elementals have been spotted more frequently
-a few winter fae have been rumored to be seen
-A raven with blue-tipped feathers has been seen flying over Ralinwood.
-Two Pavillion cells containing convicted people were mysteriously found empty, though the doors remained locked.
-Various plants have been recently dug up from sites in the forest
-A young kobold has been named captain of the wardens.
-Travellers report a funny smell coming from a cart inbound to town.
-A large group of fauns has been seen dancing in the forest
-A farmer reports he saw a ladybug turn into a dragonfly on his tomato plants
-Occasional Orc pairings have been seen trekking through the outskirts of Town with guards towards the mountains, they approach no closer..
-Word is that deliveries to a few locations around Town haven't turned up for far too long...
-Groups of organized bandits have been ambushing unsuspecting travelers
-A goblin was caught by pavillion guards attempting to poison food supplies
-A blue draconian has been spotted cautiously wandering the outskirts of town
- The farms have reportedly less Squamata and sabotage activity. It seems that without the Gremmel to build their dams, the Shak’tar and Boggrel have lessened their efforts.
- Gremmel have been seen occasionally near Ralinwood. They seem friendly, if a little subdued and unsettled.
- The nights are filled with distant howls.
Shapper, fae master, Photoninja, Pandora, makeup and costume vet.