04-05-2019, 08:44 PM
Meadowgrove farm - a minor farm in the area - has reportedly been expanding their fences to support a larger number of livestock on their farm
-A friendly stray dog has been seen running around the docks lately
-A murker was seen trying to gnaw a bracer that was stuck on its arm
-A large pink creature was seen surfacing at one of the distant beaches.
-Two Einher have set up a temporary smithy at the docks.
- water nymphs have been spotted along the cost line near the ship wrecks. Its advised to steer clear for now.
-A friendly stray dog has been seen running around the docks lately
-A murker was seen trying to gnaw a bracer that was stuck on its arm
-A large pink creature was seen surfacing at one of the distant beaches.
-Two Einher have set up a temporary smithy at the docks.
- water nymphs have been spotted along the cost line near the ship wrecks. Its advised to steer clear for now.
Shapper, fae master, Photoninja, Pandora, makeup and costume vet.