A dazed and confused human brightly dressed with only a spear and shoulder bag walks though into the treeline, stopping to talk to one of the trees as if it is an old friend as she looks around. To anyone in close range she speaks softly, but excited to the tree.
Daze and confused ((Aug. 9th dinner time))
08-09-2018, 06:00 PM
-An Orc walks over to the human. He is dressed in a robe, bone jewelry, skull club in his right hand and studded leather armor-
"Hello there miss, dont think I've seen ya around these parts before. Are ya new to Ralinwood?"
a 6' tall Orc, lots of bones around his person. wears patchwork leather robe with studded leather armor. Speaks in a Bahamian/Jamaican accent much like a Kraja.
oog - Shane Miller email - mitoiworks@hotmail.com
08-09-2018, 06:13 PM
"This is Ralinwood. .. odd." *She looks around wide eyed. "The trees brought me here...time to get of the the woods --they keep tell me to leave."
A lost traveler seeking magics.
OOG Tara
08-09-2018, 06:19 PM
"So new to ralinwood indeed..." -The orc looks to the tree's- "...would surprise me if ya could actually speak with dem..." -looks back to the human- "What be your name? My name is Java Aquari."
a 6' tall Orc, lots of bones around his person. wears patchwork leather robe with studded leather armor. Speaks in a Bahamian/Jamaican accent much like a Kraja.
oog - Shane Miller email - mitoiworks@hotmail.com
08-09-2018, 06:25 PM
"My names, Lasha. I come the the south." She smiles softly as she looks to the trees wide eyed.
"How to you fair this evening, Mister Aquari? I have never known an orc with a sir name."
A lost traveler seeking magics.
OOG Tara
08-09-2018, 06:32 PM
"Nice to meet you Lasha, I'm doing quite well thanks~ Got back from the War on the Brood, rested up and enjoying our victory...Well ya know one now~" -he chuckles- "Do ya have a place to stay while in Ralinwood?"
a 6' tall Orc, lots of bones around his person. wears patchwork leather robe with studded leather armor. Speaks in a Bahamian/Jamaican accent much like a Kraja.
oog - Shane Miller email - mitoiworks@hotmail.com
08-09-2018, 06:39 PM
"The trees often protect me at night. The spirits watch over me." She speaks with gentle words. "But I havnt had a proper drink in months."
A lost traveler seeking magics.
OOG Tara
08-09-2018, 06:52 PM
"Spirits ya say...you happen to be a mystic per chance?"
a 6' tall Orc, lots of bones around his person. wears patchwork leather robe with studded leather armor. Speaks in a Bahamian/Jamaican accent much like a Kraja.
oog - Shane Miller email - mitoiworks@hotmail.com
08-09-2018, 06:54 PM
"Or completely mad." She nods with a smile. "Can you see them as well?"
A lost traveler seeking magics.
OOG Tara
08-09-2018, 06:58 PM
"Yes, I have trained to be a master mystic...How far have your skills in de mystic ways come along?"
a 6' tall Orc, lots of bones around his person. wears patchwork leather robe with studded leather armor. Speaks in a Bahamian/Jamaican accent much like a Kraja.
oog - Shane Miller email - mitoiworks@hotmail.com |
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