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01-12-2018, 05:52 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-12-2018, 06:01 PM by NPCat.)
[January 2260]
There have been rumours that small groups of Bloodbringers out in the forest have been found dead. Worse, the bodies turn up… incomplete. The Bloodbringers are quick to blame the werewolf pack, but the Two Feather deny the allegations vehemently.
Lately, patrols have been spotting a figure out late at night, carrying a blue lantern. No one has gotten close enough to see more than a shadowy figure in the blue glow. A few suspicious sailors insist that it is a lone lure Murker. Some say it is the ghost of one of the farmers killed by the Undead. Some say it is one of the Undead themselves - a melancholy Banshee searching for her lost love.
Rumour has it that the local locksmith has been keeping copies of all the keys they make. Which locksmith? Well, I didn't hear that part...
There's an island just off the coast where, if you go there, it is summer. On the island you will find beautiful gardens and pavilions. The hosts, with long pointed ears and colour markings, are very gracious and welcoming, and the food is to die for.
Shaper for 2018. Contact me via the Shaper email. Do not contact me via Facebook.
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04-02-2018, 08:23 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-02-2018, 08:24 PM by NPCat.)
[March 2260]
The Murker culling a few weeks ago was tremendously successful! Those Murkers still left alive after the citizens of Ralinwood brought the fight to their breeding grounds retreated... directly into a beach lined with bombs. The fishermen and sailors of the area are very relieved.
Lately there has been a rash of animals inexplicably turning up asleep in their fields, with marked lethargy after they are awoken.
Travellers speak of twisted, monstrous creatures stalking the wilderness - something like a bear made of stone? Not much stock is put in foolish rumours like this.
The Citadel has been importing a great deal of lumber and stone to build their keep.
A rabble-rousing Cleric of Kael (or possibly, some quieter whispers say, Ga'more?) has been convincing many of the local peasants that they should go to fight the Brood, promising an end to their different, toilsome lives and a guarantee that they will ascend to heaven when they die fighting Brood.
A few merchants have gone missing. But then, when don't they?
The tribe of Firbolg Undead Hunters have moved in with the Two Feather Wild Elven tribe for good. Though they had originally planned to find they own place after the winter, their attempts to do so were rather disastrous. Some kind soul directed them to a 'suitable' new home... in the brood tunnels. Fortunately, spending the time with the Two Feather over the winter made the two tribes realise they have a great deal in common, and actually complement each other nicely.
The local government has some construction in the works. It's quite a large project.
Shaper for 2018. Contact me via the Shaper email. Do not contact me via Facebook.
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06-05-2018, 10:15 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-05-2018, 10:16 PM by NPCat.)
[May 2260]
The parasite that had been plaguing Ralinwood off and on for a few years now seems to have disappeared completely. There are no further accounts of anyone infected.
There has been a dramatic increase in banditry. Enough so that the location Regent, Regent Turnbull, has started putting out a bounty on bandits turned in to him - alive, that is.
Though Ralinwood passed its inspection and is well on its way from penal colony to formal township, construction of the new Pavilions encampment has been stalled a bit by a massive mud slide. The structures have not been destroyed, but for now they are in the midst of major repairs.
The Citadel has created an outpost fortified around the hell gate. The area is under constant patrol and surveillance, and the hell gate is surrounded by numerous ritual circles. This is purported to be related to the murder of a local paladin.
The Traduceri Ajaunti have been paid by the Citadel to curse break anyone suffering from a blood curse. A surprising number of cursed individuals have flocked to their doors (well, tent flaps). Those who do not can expect to be hunted down, say the Citadel, in an unusual degree of restraint.
Demons have been popping up more than usual, attacking people. The attacks got worse over time, before suddenly stopping entirely. Well, mostly. Demons sure do love Ralinwood.
A hobling known only as the Passwall Flasher has been, well, passwalling into people's homes and flashing them.
Shaper for 2018. Contact me via the Shaper email. Do not contact me via Facebook.
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06-05-2018, 11:24 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-05-2018, 11:42 PM by NPCat.)
[Early June 2260]
A patch of forest about a mile wide has started to decay like it's already autumn there, and it gives off a sickly aroma. Those brave enough to enter find any ritual magic upon their person suppressed for the duration. The area is swampy and liberally coated in ooze the farther in one gets. (If you intend to interact with this, please email.)
Shaper for 2018. Contact me via the Shaper email. Do not contact me via Facebook.
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[Late June/early July 2260]
The new Pavilions encampment has been almost completely fixed after the unfortunate mudslide, and it is expected that it will be open for inhabitation shortly.
A warehouse has been demolished by a massive explosion from within.
A ninety year old human woman became pregnant overnight (she claims not through any normal means) and gave birth to a litter of rats.
The number of bandit attacks has dramatically lowered. Unfortunately, this has been undercut somewhat by the resurgence of orc attacks. Most of the victims of these particular attacks seem to be Ajaunti.
The Mortigeist has come and gone, though for who knows how long?
It's rumoured that an angel showed up in the middle of Ralinwood a few weeks ago. Most people are rather sceptical of this. Angels don't just 'show up'.
The Citadel is offering a 10 gold reward for information about local werewolves or vampires; the reward will be given to the recipient *and* taken out of the debt total, so it ends up being equivalent to 20 gold!
Though they enjoyed a bountiful winter, the Two Feather wild elf tribe seems to be having a less successful summer. A surprising number of them having come down with a flu. Some have taken to calling the Two Feather, Blood Moon and Undead Hunter Am'rath group the 'Sheaf'.
People have been going missing. Some times mutilated bodies are found, many days later. Some times they are never seen again.
A sheep fell from the sky onto the road in front of a traveller's cart. The remains shattered almost completely upon impact. Those who witnessed the event claim that they saw a great flying creature in the sky.
Several people claim that their potatoes turned into frogs over night.
Shaper for 2018. Contact me via the Shaper email. Do not contact me via Facebook.
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[Late July 2260]
A ritual to summon a demon of some kind was stopped by the people of Ralinwood. The primary caster dissipated shortly after. The ritual was guarded by a wyvern, which was, impressively, defeated. The identity of the caster is unknown.
A group of orcs attacked the Traduceri encampment looking for a 'short red pinky woman'. The Bloodbringer orcs claim they were not behind the attack and have no idea who the attackers are looking for.
The Two Feather and Blood Moon are almost all sick with an unknown illness. It appears to be resistant to all known forms of curing - any cure only lasts a few hours. None of the Am'rath who have been living with them appear to be afflicted.
A pool in the centre of town has been adopted as a henge by a powerful fae (or multiple fae?). She (they?) is happy to have visitors cool themselves in her henge, provided they behave. Refreshing! Just don't thank her.
Brood attacks are on the rise, particularly as you get closer to the coast.
The Einish Thing happened... whatever that is.
The Passwall Flasher is once again at large.
Local Ralinwood cobbler grief stricken as he comes to find that a dozen shoes he was set on sending to Am'rath children have been up and stolen.
People have been stumbling across rings of fire in the woods. Perhaps a ritual of some kind?
Farmers are worried that many of their dogs have gone missing.
Guard shifts at the docks have been tightening up as a small string of disappearances puts people on edge.
Gilthanis & Gilthanis Merchants are temporarily closed for business while they expand their inventory of artifices and rituals. Coming soon!
A large contingent of peasants and farmers have set sail to join the fight against the Brood. They have sustained heavy casualties and their forces have been scattered. The Blood Red Rose is trying to hold them together but they are being overwhelmed.
An organized group of ne’er-do-wells seems to be challenging an insidious shadow organization in the area.
There has been a rash of terrible night terrors among the commoners and folk living outside of Ralinwood proper.
Shaper for 2018. Contact me via the Shaper email. Do not contact me via Facebook.
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Joined: Oct 2017
10-09-2018, 09:45 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-09-2018, 09:48 PM by NPCat.)
[Early October 2260]
The graveyard near the prison has had Risen from all around flock to it. They have formed a perimeter around the centre, and refuse to answer as to why.
Mages everywhere are noticing that they feel a slight a bout of breathlessness every time they miscant.
Docks alight at Gilthanus & Gilthanus warehouses! Fire sale at G & G after visits from the people of Ralinwood and the Citadel. Merchandise is literally on fire, because of fire.
The Traduceri are putting out the word that they had no idea that Ariadne Traduceri, the woman accused of mass enslaving orcs and wild elves was up to anything at all, and they publicly condemn her horrible treatment of orcs and elves.
There are terrified whispers that a lich-creating ritual was completed recently, and a lich is now on the loose in the area.
A new - or renewed - clan of orcs has formed. The orcs previously under Ariadne Traduceri's thrall who resurrected free are reforming their old tribe. They call themselves the Vozraditsya.
Shaper for 2018. Contact me via the Shaper email. Do not contact me via Facebook.