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Full Version: Regarding Orokgrim’s Gear
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I have just received the news that Orokgrim was killed tonight, and to add insult to injury he has lost the bulk of his gear. This includes his plate armour, his iconic helmet, and a token from his god. 

If anyone has information or has found any of these things, I am offering a reward for their return. Please speak with me. 

Also, if anyone’s would like to donate armour to help ease the blow, spare plate would be appreciated. 

- Carrion
The Blue Moon Eclipse Pack will donate some Plate to this fine warrior. How much is needed?

-Penned for an old Wolven named Argus
I believe he is still in need of roughly sixty pounds. There are a few sources donating, so any part of that is a great help.

- Carrion
Have him come see me.
