12-28-2020, 08:18 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-28-2020, 08:18 PM by Garet Woodguard.)
Greetings and Happy Highwinter to the people of Ralinwood,
I am currently investigating an incident that took place in the tavern earlier this month and as such am seeking out the following individuals :
If you see yourself on the list above, I am interested in your take of that night's events and will be frequenting the tavern so as to more easily arrange a meeting.
I wish you all a safe winter.
I am currently investigating an incident that took place in the tavern earlier this month and as such am seeking out the following individuals :
Captain Clifford the Draconian
Moose the Minotaur
Horns the Handsome Sidhe
If you see yourself on the list above, I am interested in your take of that night's events and will be frequenting the tavern so as to more easily arrange a meeting.
I wish you all a safe winter.
Garet Woodguard
Prestidigitations, Identifications, Consultations
Scrolls Scribed, Magics Identified
Reasonable Rates
No Children's Parties, Cursed Items or Adult Entertainment