Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: The writing on the floor. (31 august 12:30 am)
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A mysterious drawing, surrounded by chalk pawprints, is left by a (possibly) unknown artist on the sanctuary floor. 

(( https://imgur.com/a/9FboAif ))
By 1:00 am it is covered by a sheet and a table.
At noon the next day, it has been re-revealed, the table left on its side and th blanket missing.
At 1:30 am on the 8th, the 29 is crossed out and replaced by 28.
By 1:45, a milliade of blue numbers, doodles and pretty artwork have been added to it. The numbers have been crossed out and 28 has been rewritten.
It was then covered in paint.
But kindly mopped up and cleaned. 
By morning, it has been carved into the top of the nearby piano as well.