Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Hiring: Director of Marketing
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Ralinwood is hiring a Director of Marketing!

This person will be responsible for the following things:

1. Conventions: Organizing attendance at conventions, organizing volunteers to attend, attending conventions and taking a turn at the booth, taking photos and posting while at booth, ensuring frags are applied to volunteers' afterwards, planning 'mods' to run at convention (discretionary), planning and running 'panels', planning and running raffle at the table
2. Maintaining the Convention Bin (large plastic tub with all the convention gear)
3. MAKING flyers for conventions 
4. Creating posts for the website
5. Organizing socials between events - every social organized earns you an additional 15 frags!
6. Taking and posting OTHER photos (not from events)
7. Other duties as assigned

Conventions We Must Be At:

1. London Comic Con
2. Forest City Comic Con
3. Windsor Comic Con
4. Oxford Renaissance Festival

Optional other conventions: Sarnia Pop Culture Show, CK Expo
Note: Conventions west of Woodstock will require Global permission


300 frags (for the year, applied at a rate of 25 frags per month)
Other rewards can also be negotiated

Time you hold the position:

One year - May 1, 2019 to April 30, 2020 
Option to come back at the end of the year

Skills and experience required:

Strong organizational and administrative skills
Enthusiastic about posting online
Enthusiastic about taking photos
Preference will be given to someone who has 1) played Ralinwood in the last year and 2) has one active character in the Ralinwood database
Living in London is considered an asset but not required
Having a car is considered an asset but not required
Being able to deal with me (Ivanna) wanting updates all the time is an asset that is also required. 

If you would love to spread the good Ralinwood word (or dark word. Or draconic word), then let us know! Please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/24btAkogNsdpzkt36

Applications close April 26th! https://forms.gle/24btAkogNsdpzkt36