Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Fresh from the boats [ts 7pm, Aug 9]
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*A fat, queasy looking Hobling slowly walks his way up from the docks. He has a leather satchel thrown over his shoulder, and leaning on a staff as though attempting to steady himself. He turns his head back to the docks, giving the ships a very dirty look. He quickly covers his mouth, and gives a strained swallow.

After composing himself for a few minutes, he continues to walk into town, now wildly swatting at the evening bugs. Flailing for a moment or two, he stops and looks over the area*

Well at least this place looks nice.

*He reaches into a vest pocket and pulls out a piece of paper, nodding*

Yes, lovely Regal Wood. Excellent.
*A Construct-like creature sits on a bench coming into town, wearing a fairly convincing toy soldier hat along with his usual ensemble. He bobs back and forth in his seated position piping on a brass kazoo*
*Olo slowly ambles over to Blank, stopping in front of him, hands in pockets*

Ah, yes. Mr. Blank, lovely to see you again. I daresay a town named Regal Wood might be more... architectural?, than you initially suggested. Some elegant topiaries perhaps?
*He makes a clicking sound, tilting his head*
"O-lo. Hel-lo. The town hassss gone under more conssssstruction as of lat-e. But regal, no. Thisss is Ralinwood."
*Olo tuts to himself, tapping his fingers on his chin*

Mr. Blank, I am almost certain that I AM certain you said "Click, hiss, click click, get on that boat there, and you can visit me in Regal Wood.". Yes, that must be it.
"... I mumble sometimesssss. We have housessss now."
Can't be helped, Mr. Blank, and I'm sure it's no concern to me.

*The Hobling sighs briefly, looking around*

So then. Ralin-wood. Quite a... green place. I take that we get to the city by passing through the woods? Quite unusual for a port to not be in the city itself, no?
"Quite. Architecture issss coming slow, but a town center issss establissshed. Further up thissss wa-y."
*He gestures towards the pavillions in the distance*
*Olo follows, looking around as they go*

Mr. Blank.... there is a city, isn't there?
"Cit-y. Define."
*He makes a whirring sound*