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Full Version: Departure (TS July 16, 12:05 pm)
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*Gigoliath sits in the shade of a tree from the noonday sun, looking at the Skein Gate. Beside him is a large green rucksack, with a crate of bottles strapped to it. He ever so often sips from an Orcish-style tankard in his hand.*
*Java walk over to him from camp*

"Hey Gigoliath...heading home soon?"
Bikar wandering past comes and takes a seat on the grass beside the Ogre.

"Greetings Gigoliath, how was your time here?"
"Soon, ya, Shaman."
*He looks over at Bikar*

"Tough... but clear. Dis island seems te' bring tragedy oftan."
"I am truly sorry for the loss of your friend, he was a true warrior, I sincerely hope Okrim is soaked in blood slaying friend and foe alike in Baaagh realm. You did the right thing, you gave him a warriors death." Bikar looks up to Java, then rummages around in a satchel at his side he produces a bottle filled with a viscous red fluid and hands it to Java.
"Drink and battle in his memory." Bikar turns back to Gigoliath before heading back down the path.
"I thank you for the hospitality you have shown my people, your drinks put fire in their hearts. I will be sure to tell any that come through, to see Warchief Gigoliath and drink one of his many fine creations."
*Java accepts the bottle, he looks it over* "Thank you, I will..." *he puts the bottle away in his pack* "Be safe Bikar"

*Java sits next to Gigoliath* "...just means we need to fight even harder, Warchief...you know as well as I do...he wouldn't want us to slow down...only use his passing as fuel for the burning rage against our foe...make him proud as he watches us soak the grounds in blood..."
*He nods slowly*
"My tanks, Quartamasta Bikar. I hope de' red wine serve ya well. Good health be to da Ragaire Clan."

*He looks over to Java*
"My dear Shaman, ya be right. Ya wisdam be growin' like Naradd's great belly. Make ready our people here. We will answer Chieftain Lightstrike's call in full. Dis Kraja shall return to gather our troops out my way and meet ya all on Day'ten. Undastood?"
*he smiles* "Undastood Warchief. We'll be waiting and eager." *he stands up and offers an arm up to the sitting Gigoliath*
*He takes it and slowly gets up, cracking his back a bit*
"Give my best te' da boyz. Dey did good."
"Before you go...a gift" *he removes one of his many bone necklaces*

"You brought together a people, lead them to a better life and continue to protect all we hold dear...You have made history in more ways then one...would you accept a gift of gratitude from dis Warcaller-to-be?" *He holds out the necklace for Gigoliath*
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