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Full Version: Visiting the Ragaire (TS: Friday June 15th, 3pm)
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((Nope, but clearly viscous))
*He waddles up and puts in on the banister of the cabin ramp*
"It is cold blood from a giant Ice Troll, ssssummoned by Einher."
*He pauses*

"It is heavy and I don't need it anymore. It's really co-ld."
"Vlad is a smith and an Einher, he might be more willing. Should have thought of him earlier."

Ursel then looks at the bottle, tilting her head slightly.

Bikar eyes the contents of the bottle with curiosity, picking it up and swirling it around.

"How intresting" He looks back to Blank

"I can take this?" He holds the bottle up to the sun, looking through it with a discerning eye.
"Yessss. Have fun with the blue stuff. It'll be nice for some Ein-her."
*He makes a whirring noise*
"Thank you very much Blank, this will be excellent for the chosen Jarl. Will you be attending the feast?"
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