Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: On the hunt (May 5pm)
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The Skien gate would give a soft flash, lightly armoured wild elf stepping from the circle. About her waist a quiver, bow slung over her shoulder and in her hand a fang shapped banner danced in the breeze She would blink at her new surroundings, trying to get the lay of the lands. "I....need a drink" mumbled to herself before she would pick a direction to walk, and hope it lead to a tavern; banner making for a half decent walking stick as she goes.
-A Heavily armored Kobold carrying a Maul walks over to the Wild Elf-

"Hello~ I overheard you needed a Drink. The local tavern has much to offer. Its that building there~"

-he points to the tavern building-
Sheala would pause as the kobold approaches. Eyeing him a bit, but offering a kind smile "that one there? Well that was going to be my third building to try, ha. Thank you for saving me the effort" giving off a soft chuckle as she shifted her banner from one hand to the other "I am Sheala, a Cleric of Sybil"
"You're welcome~. Hi Sheala, My name is Velvet~ I'm a Warden of Ralinwood...Velvet actually doesnt know much about Sybil...OH um if you have the time, please read the laws of Ralinwood. Would rather people not get in trouble because they might be new here...Velvet is fairly new so I dont know many people...Velvet can help you out with anything else if you want~" -he removes his Helmet, face heavily scar'd, but gives a big toothy smile all the same-