05-10-2018, 09:27 AM
**A messenger, donning exquisite teal, green, and gold livery beneath a tabard embroidered with the symbol of Duvain, steps from the light of the skein gate and walks the paths of Ralinwood to its town center. As he waits for folks to gather, he is clearly taking inventory of his surroundings. Once there is a substantial gathering, he begins his proclamations:**
“To the aspiring port town of Ralinwood! After some delays, Lady Aminata will at last return on the eve of the eighteenth day of May with the promised inspectors and investors from the Council of Twelve to follow in the afternoon of the nineteenth.
Ahead of their arrival, it is advised that the collective effort to tidy the town must become a primary priority. Great strides have been made towards rejuvenating the land and cleansing the town of its penal skullduggery, but there is always opportunity for improvement! Your dedication to the exemplary exemplification of this town is the foundation for a rich and prosperous future!
Ralinwood wavers on a precipice – if the inspectors are left unimpressed, or the investors left uninspired, you will not gain the support you need to fulfill Lady Aminata’s wishes of becoming a proper port town. This inspection is the final stage before Ralinwood can truly claim itself a port town and begin building a harbour worthy of awe and envy, and lavish revenue.
As before, questions shall be entertained upon Miss Gamorrah’s arrival. Upon her arrival Friday evening, she shall escort you all to your new accomodations.
Until then, prepare in earnest. It is in your hands to pass the inspection. This opportunity is to the benefit of us all.”
**The crier will announce this verbatim three times, wait an hour, then announce it three more times before stepping down and heading back to the Gate. He will ignore anyone who approaches him, indifferently inspecting the landscape.
He will return the next day at noon and repeat the announcement.**
“To the aspiring port town of Ralinwood! After some delays, Lady Aminata will at last return on the eve of the eighteenth day of May with the promised inspectors and investors from the Council of Twelve to follow in the afternoon of the nineteenth.
Ahead of their arrival, it is advised that the collective effort to tidy the town must become a primary priority. Great strides have been made towards rejuvenating the land and cleansing the town of its penal skullduggery, but there is always opportunity for improvement! Your dedication to the exemplary exemplification of this town is the foundation for a rich and prosperous future!
Ralinwood wavers on a precipice – if the inspectors are left unimpressed, or the investors left uninspired, you will not gain the support you need to fulfill Lady Aminata’s wishes of becoming a proper port town. This inspection is the final stage before Ralinwood can truly claim itself a port town and begin building a harbour worthy of awe and envy, and lavish revenue.
As before, questions shall be entertained upon Miss Gamorrah’s arrival. Upon her arrival Friday evening, she shall escort you all to your new accomodations.
Until then, prepare in earnest. It is in your hands to pass the inspection. This opportunity is to the benefit of us all.”
**The crier will announce this verbatim three times, wait an hour, then announce it three more times before stepping down and heading back to the Gate. He will ignore anyone who approaches him, indifferently inspecting the landscape.
He will return the next day at noon and repeat the announcement.**