Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Departure. (ts April 16, 6:45pm)
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Cora can be seen packing up the tent by the treelines. Elizabeak softly clucks as she sleeps on the bags on the ground.
-Java makes his way over-

"Heading back to Jericho?"
Walking from the pavilions  scratching at his beard, he assists in helping Cora with the dismantling seemingly distracted with a jumble of thoughts.

"It seems this trip was a bit of a miscalculation...I had thought things would have worked out quite well but this region is dreadful at the moment. My child do we have everything else collected other than the tent?"
She nods to Java, then looks over at Walker and nods. "Everything is ready, grand-pere." She tilts her head. "You alright? Seem...bit busy in thoughts." Elizabeak hops off the bags and walks over to Java.