The skein gate flashes and a gargylen steps out accompanying a high elf. A white and purple chicken runs out of the gate as well, flapping her wings before following the duo into town center. Reaching into her pack, the gargylen takes out some poles and starts setting up a tent near the brush. Soft, small talk can be heard with small bits of high elven being heard.
*Java makes his way out of the woods. Spotting the three he makes his way over* "Evening Cora~ Welcome back to Ralinwood~ Do you want some help?"
"...Je suis incertain-- Oh, hey bro." Cora looks over her shoulder. Elizabeak clucks and runs straight towards the orc. "We be fine for now."
*Java gently pets the chicken* "Alright den~ Have things settled in Jericho?"
She nods. "Things are okay. Gramps and Mor'gorath are still at home, so they gonna watch til dad comes back." Elizabeak stretches her wings and moves closer to Java.
While assisting the set up of their abode, he turns his gaze to the Orc.
"Jericho will take time to adjust to all that has occurred, for now those repercussions are away from us. Now is the time to settle here and for myself to find young Dante. I'm sure he has much research he would ecstatic to share with me."
"Good to know tings are well with the spirits once more...hope dat never happens again..."
She nods in agreement. "Dante....the one with glasses and scrolls, Grandpa?"
He nods as he continues to set-up.
"Yes, that is indeed Dante. I do hope he is around still, I miss his unique sense of adventure and talents."
Cora hammers down the tent cords and looks back at Java. "Did you see the one with big scrolls on his back, bro?" Elizabeak looks up at the orc.