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> Walking through town with a deer carcass on her back [03-21 9 am]
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Walking through town with a deer carcass on her back [03-21 9 am]
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03-21-2018, 01:33 AM
*A female einher can be seen walking through town carrying a deer carcass over her back. [+1 strength] She has a side braid, brown and black leather armour. Black facepaint across the eyes and a yellow and black tartan kilt. *
03-21-2018, 10:48 AM
"Iz nice deer, dear!"
*Stefan yells from the shade of a nearby tree. He is wrapped up in a purple woolen overcoat*
Underworld Ralinwood Forums
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Daily Life
> Walking through town with a deer carcass on her back [03-21 9 am]