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Full Version: Late Night Visiting (11:50 pm, march 19, tavern)
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A hooded figure walks from the dock area to the tavern. Almost barging the door open with a shoulder, the hood is lowered to reveal a grouchy looking Caracal Savar'Aving. Large, tufted ears are held flat to deep brown hair and a sour frown mars copper cheeks dotted in black. She removes her mitts and rubs the large sores on her fingers, shaking water and mud off her claws.

She sits at one of the tables and seems to be observing whether or not the kitchen is open while carefully massaging her hands.  

"Lousy Murkers." she mutters as she flicks her eyes to and fro.

(a few people might recognize her from her brief visit to discord last month)
Brondulf sits nearby, performing maintenance on his arms and armor. After a brief moment he turns his head up towards the Savar.

"You seem to be in a foul mood this evening."
She snaps her head to him and scoffs.
"You'd be in a tiff too if you spent all day shining a ship to be shape after a winter of being frozen in the harbor." she mumbles and looks back at her hand. "I suppose the males here don't work as hard as the ones I used to know."

She sighs and opens her rucksack, drawing out a rolled half of bread. "I was hoping for something warm but I forgot your tavern doesn't keep normal hours." she butters it and then takes a giant bite.

"It was bad enough before those...those...things started dredging their pale taints out of the water. Can't hardly get any work done til the sun goes down anymore."
The Einher finishes with his armor and turns his full attention to the Savar.

"Murkers getting bolder with each day it seems. That... or something has them spooked."

Brondulf stares in place for a moment, obviously thinking about something.
"I dunno how it's been in past years, but they're squirming all over the beach in the day, dumping these horrid smelling eggs." She takes another bite of her bread. "They don't look good...I mean, most Murkers are as appealing as a wad of booger, but these ones...they ain't healthy. Something stinks like rancid crab whenever they show up. They got this greyish sheen to them and most of them ain't moving right." she looks at the bread and lowers it with a grimace of disgust. "lots of wheezing and bubbles out of the nose...sometimes there's so many I can't even get down my gangplank without fearing an ankle grabber."
"Well whatever's wrong with them let us hope it does not come ashore."
"I dunno, male. Stick your brain out a little bit farther. Murkers laying eggs...and I'm not talking one or two clutches. I am saying you can barely walk on that beach in the daytime without stepping on a nest. They haven't been bothering us too much yet, but that's just because it freezes at night still. But when the weather gets warm...that port is going to be over run. And if those Murkers are sick..." she shrugs. "I travel in the summer so it ain't my problem, but I've seen ports close down; quakes, fires, pirates, storms...you know what happens to port towns when their ports close?" she shrugs.

"So, if I were you I'd be writing a notice on the board for your townsfolk pretty soon. I'm sure you can figure it out." She dusts herself off, tosses the rest of her bread, and starts to go for the door.
Brondulf nods as the Savar leaves, returning to maintenance on his equipment.
She pokes her head back in. "And tell your people to keep the kitchen open later!" She almost slams the door behind her.
-A grizzly old Wolven walks in, sniffs and shudders- What in the world is that awful smell? -Shruggjng he walks over to where the tavern keep always has hot water and pours himself a cup, adding some leaves from a pocket in his pack. He goes and sits in a dark corner, staring into the liquid-