02-07-2018, 10:11 PM
*Patrols of Two Feathers have been seen, as well as Blood Bringers, in the weeks since the Trial of Nine. The two groups have even worked together harrying undead and bandits away from the roads and byways of Rallinwood. A competition of sorts has broken out among them, seeing who can kill the most undead. The Traduceri are seen sometimes among them, with approving self satisfied expressions.
The Citadel has been pushing their own patrols looking for any undead that may have escaped in the past month. They have been pushing south, combing the marshes for anything hiding in the frozen muck.
The Blood Red Rose has begun to let some farmers return to outlying farms. They had been gathering the outlying farmers at the larger farmsteads to more easily protect them.
As temperatures dip above and below freezing some wagons begin to appear on the roads. Few in number they may be, but merchants have begun venturing back to Ralinwood and the Docks, although they bring some serious looking guards.*
The Citadel has been pushing their own patrols looking for any undead that may have escaped in the past month. They have been pushing south, combing the marshes for anything hiding in the frozen muck.
The Blood Red Rose has begun to let some farmers return to outlying farms. They had been gathering the outlying farmers at the larger farmsteads to more easily protect them.
As temperatures dip above and below freezing some wagons begin to appear on the roads. Few in number they may be, but merchants have begun venturing back to Ralinwood and the Docks, although they bring some serious looking guards.*