A rustling sound can be heard and Cora steps out with a large pack on her back. Elizabeak follows behind her and she looks over her shoulder to reach her hand out for someone.
"Have everything, grandpa?"
Shouldering a small satchel of things and carrying a supply of boOKs in the other, Walker trudges out with a smile as joins up with Cora.
"Yes my child, I am ready to head home as it were. Let us be off while things are calm enough to make our way safely yes?"
She nods. She begins walking with the high elf throigh town center. Elizabeak has Cora's masquerade mask resting on her back. The gargylen sighs.
"We have a lot to tell town, grandpa..."
"Indeed we do but for now let us find our way home and settle. We can speak with your father and he should be able to spread about the information properly or to those who can use it well."
Walker leads them to the skein at a slow pace. If not stopped they proceed to the gate pausing to work the gate proper.
She nods. She takes one last look at the town before approaching the gate to activate it. She kneels down to pick up Elizabeak.
-Java comes running to the gate-"Wait!" he grinds to a halt and catching his breath- "Sorry...wanted to see ya off before ya went home~"
She turns around.
"Big brother? Java, told you to stay in bed!" She reaches up and feels his forehead. "Didn't have to run out here."
-Java chuckles, his temp feels normal- "Hate to admit it, but Bonerattle get-good alchemly does de trick. Hurts like hell and tastes like death, but sure works wonders~" He looks healthy and well "Hope ya dont mind I came to see my little sis and grandpa'
She nods and gives the orc a quick hug. "Well, am glad it worked and you are getting better now, brother. Anything should look for you when back in town?"
Walker turns to Java with a quirked brow but still retains his smile.
"Your health seems to have taken a turn for the better, good to know young Shaman. I do hope you and the young Chieftain do well with the troubles approaching. We are making our way home hopefully quickly to notify Gigoliath of the troubles and settle safely."
He pats Cora's head as he speaks.