-Java can be seen walking out from the woods towards the town fire, feet dragging and a good bit of coughing and sniffling can be heard from him. He takes a seat by the fire-
Cora is sitting by the fire, feeding Elizabeak small bits of apple. She looks up and sees the orc. "B-Big brother!" There are bandages over her cheeks.
-He looks up to cora, being so out of it he didnt notice her there- "Cora!~ By de spirits its good to see you!~" -he makes his way over to her, a bit weak in the steps but gives her a big hug, being mindful of the bandages not to touch them- "Ya had me worried, when I heard dat de troll magic was wearing off and causing ya pain I lost many bells hoping to hear word...I be glad ya still ok~" -he lifts up his mask and gives her a kiss on the head- "Dont matter what color ya skin or what race ya be, you still my sis true and true." he smiles, although coughs into his arm-
Her eyes widen as she is scooped up and gently hugs back. "Big brother, I--"
She is taken by surprise by the cough. "You okay, brother?" Elizabeak bawks and flaps her wings at the orc.
"..Y-ya...I be *cough*...fine...*sniff*..." -you wouldnt need to be a doctor to see Java is clearly sick, he is a pale green- "What bring ya to ralinwood sis?~" -he looks to Elizabeak and rubs her head- "Missed you too Elizabeak~"
"A-Am okay. Wanted to visit you after weird Hallows things. You seem sick though. Should rest." She takes out an apple from her bag and holds it up to Java.
"I'm *cough*...I'll be fine...What crazy tings happened...heard de Brewlords up north are ok~...*sniff*...How you doing wit de change back...I can see it taking some tole on ya" -points to her bandages. Takes the apple and slowly starts to eat it, looking a little weaker then normal- "Thank ya for de apple"
"Are welcome, brother." She plunks her head against his shoulder. "Arrive in Ralinwood with Grandpa Walker so he is making sure my face is still okay. On Hallows, was fighting father and witches and other strange things. Have a lot to tell you and Capri. Both about Hallows and messages from pappy."
She looks up with a worried look.
"Color of pappy as he say, is 'not amused', big brother."
-he puts his arm around her- "Well glad ya made it here wit no worries...if ya need a place to stay ya know de Aquari hut always be open to ya *Cough, cough*...mm...So ya fighting lots of nasty tings...did ya beat dem good?~ -chuckles/Coughs*- "...What messages from Gigoliath?...and what dis about Gigoliath's color?..."
She shrugs. "Am not sure what pappy means by color either, but he say it is other say of saying how he is feeling. So am guessing he feeling 'not amused' with you and Capri. Is best to tell both you and Capri, big brother." She places a hand over his forehead.
"And maybe not have you outside." Elizabeak bawks and flaps her wings.