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Full Version: A familiar pair returns... [11/08/2017 - 10:58pm]
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In the midst of the night, the skein gate bursts to life and through it comes the forms of a small Gargylen and a High Elf. Carefully moving away from the gate a bit, the High Elf takes account of his belongings and their surroundings.

"We'll my child we made good on our safe arrival,  what would you suggest we do first?"
Cora steps out of the gate with Elizabeak clucking in her basket. She looks around then looks up at Walker. "Perhaps set up. Is a bit late am thinking, Grandpappy."
He nods at the suggestion and proceeds towards town center at a slow pace making sure Cora is keeping up.

"Then let us proceed into town and settle somewhere safe. A night's rest will do us both good and should help your new stone work settle proper."
She nods with a smile and walks next to Walker. "Yes. Rest sound nice, gramps." As they walk through town, Cora's smile fades when she glances at the tavern. She looks at the ground, touching her bandaged cheek.
His gaze takes in Cora looking to the tavern and he stops a moment to gently pet her head.
"Do not worry my child, I will do some research and see if I can perhaps grant you something to at least replace that which was lost until we can solve the dilemma of yours, is this alright with you? I am sure they will not look to you any different than they already do. You are family after all."
His smile breaks through before he continues through town to find a space to set up.
"Gramps, no need to trouble yourself for me." She mutters. "But I guess they will still be okau with me back like this." She walks over to a large spot under some trees. "Guess am still a bit sad that am not feeling like am part of family anymore."
She puts down her pack. "How about we set here, gramps?"
"I do not mind attempting such research my child, I am sure I can manage something temporary to detur your concerns. "
He settles his belongings nearby as he pulls out the set up of their tent. As he works on it he speaks with evident concern.
"It is not about what is on the outside my child, your connection to the brewlords and your family is deeper. It is pure and true. Your father and your brothers will always be happy to see you and be a part of this grand Arthos we all walk together. If they ever do anything other than accept you for who you are I will be sure to set them straight...."
As she assists the high elf in setting up, she looks a bit surprised at Walker's last remark. She tiredly sighs. "Guess am just fearing nothing, gramps." Cora hoists up the tent and ties the ropes down. "But will see in morning. They still not know....am thinking. Gramps, before going to bed, can you check on my face?" She peels back a bit of the bandage on her cheek to show the growing crystals.
He sets their things inside the tent before turning to Cora and carefully inspecting the crystal formations, he channels a bit into them before moving to pet her head gently.
"They look to be coming along nicely, it shouldn't take long to fully form up and have your skin solid once more. A few more sessions aought to do it. If anything acts up or is damaged do let me know right away."
He motions for them to enter the tent.
"Now let us rest, we will be ready and Revitalized for our stay here once the morning comes."
"Thank you, grandpappy."
She closes her eyes as her head is petted and nods. She steps inside and calls out to her chicken. "Bed time, Liz-beak." The chicken clucks and runs inside the tent.