Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: September 20th @ 7pm- Returning
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A young wild elf can be seen setting up her tent in the general area of town. The has a think dark green cloak who is carrying a sword and has a feather and beaded hairpiece in her hair. She has very distinct green markings that take up most of her face. She begins to set up her tent. By the time she is down there is also a faint glow of a circle around her tent and an odd looking owl that is suck in the ground between the circle and her tent.
*Any onlookers would also see a creature poking its head in and out of the nearby treeline. Branches crackling and shaking. Muffled profanities.*
Ursel approaches as she sets up. "Need any help, sorella?"
Pauses for a moment hearing a sound in the trees. She walks out of the tent and take a look at the treeline. "Hi Izzy. Finally joining us again?"
*The faun pokes her head out of the trees. She steps forward, branches clinging to her as she pushes out. She brushes herself off and peers over at Azurine*

"Reintroducing myself to the trees. Only to be polite."

*As she's shaking herself off, she looks at the approaching wild elf. Under her breath:*

"Another elfy elf..."
Looks over to Ursel. "Hi. No that's okay. Just finishing the last of the unpacking. You also know my name is Azurine. A-ZOO-REEN" She emphasized all the syllables. Sh looks back to Izzy, "Well one can only be polite it is the correct way sometimes. How are they taking the reintroduction?"
*Izzi picks a prickly branch out of her hair.*

"Not great."
"Why so? I thought they all loved you?"
*Izzi sighs in frustration, blowing out a puff of air.*

"Not all trees have feelings, Azoooorine."
Chuckles a little "Are you sure, maybe they are just playing hard to get"
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