Shortly before seven bells, Carrion makes his way to the structure of indeterminate nature that stands near the Sapper cabin. He sits down on it and waits, sipping a mug of tea. He is dressed as he usually is, with the small addition of a silver crescent moon pendant peeking out from under the mantle of his hood.
Riven approaches and plops himself down. He looks eager and excited
"I don't know if I expected you," he admits. "I do appreciate the support, but if you call Dietremen the perv god during this, I'm chasing you off with a broom. Deal?"
He grins and takes a moment before speaking slowly "I promise to not interrupt and save all my questions for after you're done talking. And I promise not to say the words 'perv god'"
"I mean, asking for clarification or elaboration as we go is fine, as long as I'm not cut off mid sentence. I want this to be a conversation people can learn from, not a speech."
* Zia wanders over and looks between the two.
"Carrion - I respect your beliefs and your willingness to discuss what you can - but are you sure you want to do this, out here in public, all things considered? It's one thing to be a publicly known dark god follower, but it may be another to be seen to be encouraging or inciting new followers. I don't want to be picking pieces of your mask out of the ashes."
Juniper approaches carrying a small basket. She sets it down next to a Riven before taking a seat. "I like the idea of learning more about another person's god. Perhaps we can better understand each other if we're willing to listen to what each other has to say."
*Hannick walks over, and unfolds a chair that was slung over his shoulder. He places it a little off to the side and has a seat, waiting silently and smiling. Absently he pulls out a small pouch of seeds and starts to munch on them.*
He grins at Zia's words, and points to the others who have gathered.
"Pining for Sabrina, Aspirant of Celeste, devoted of Cassandra. I think it would be rather presumptuous to think I had the words to sway them, especially give how clear I tried to make it that this was not intended to convert anyone.
"If simply describing the idea of my god and clearing up misconceptions that are taken far too often as fact is what dooms me, it'll happen either way very soon. At least this gives me a chance to reach more people before my inevitable destruction."
"Excuse you, I do not pine." He lays himself across Jun's lap "I honour and memorialize"