-After the Lunch rush at Tavern had thinned, Lamalas can be seen setting up chairs beside his tent under the shade of the trees. A blanket is lain out as well. Lamalas then sets up a table and places cups and a couple pitchers of water upon it. Once everything is set up, he announces loudly-
Today's Sermon is about to begin, Followers of the Light are invited to come and sit.
-He then takes a seat infront of the gathered chairs and waits, reading and writing in a leatherbound book-
Isak approaches the shade of the tree. He carries his simple wooden staff with him, and over his shoulder rest a simple bag. Upon reaching the appoint spot, Isak bows in reverence at Lamallas.
"Valdr bless this day, and may now the Gods of Light shine brightly down upon us who would gather here to listen. At last Lamallas, we can meet and speak of holy things."
Isak sits down on one of the chairs and rests his staff beside him and patiently waits, smiling.
-He puts the book down and smiles- Isak, my dear friend, welcome and may Valdr bless you this day. The sun shines bright, the Stormbringer holds off the clouds for us it would seem.
(09-16-2017, 02:02 PM)Lamalas Wrote: [ -> ]-He puts the book down and smiles- Isak, my dear friend, welcome and may Valdr bless you this day. The sun shines bright, the Stormbringer holds off the clouds for us it would seem.
Indeed friend. Haha, perhaps he has waved them off in favour of our cause! But come rain or shine the ever faithful will remain so. Tell me, do you expect any more to come? Of course Valdr willing they do. I have spoken to my brother Cedric, and though he may be here to listen to the sermon and holy discussion, I have been assured his faith remains within the Light of the All-Father.
-He looks out over the tavern crowd and nods- I am sure more shall arrive, but even if it just you and I, Valdr's word shall be spoken this day.
Isak nods in confirmation. He looks to the sky and breathes deeply. "I have been looking forward o this Lamalas, now is the time to make a move and establish a force of light and good here in Ralinwood. I have thought much about my purpose here, spoken to many wise beings who have walked down and similar path along with those who would see such pursuits fail. Even if it is only us, Valdr surely will recognize our deeds. His word is in us, and his way will point us and any who wish to hear towards the path of valour."
Sevatar walks over with a chair and sits off to the side. He sits nicely with his legs together and his hands in his lap. "I would like to hear about Sybil."
Truer words have nay been spoken my friend. But please, have a drink of water while we wait for others to arrive.
"Thank you." Isak pours himself some water and sips from it. Noticing a new arrival Sevatar, he greets him with a smile "Hail friend! How fair you on this day?"
"Hello Einher. I am well. I am curious about this Sybil God."