Brodulf can be seen walking to the tavern from the direction of the cells, his head hung a little lower than usual. He orders a drink and sits down at an empty table.
If left undisturbed for an hour or more he occasionally stands and walks out of the tavern to get fresh air and mutter under his breath, but never leaves sight of the building.
Spotting Brodulf in the tavern, Carrion makes his way from his cabin to where the Einish man is seated.
"Good afternoon. I think you wanted to see me about your ring?"
leaning up against a wall with arms crossed looking around-
Brondulf stand and walks to Carrion. He looks in Harutsuki's direction but then focuses back to to Carrion.
"Yes, I thank you for responding to my notice. May I see what you found?"
(If you can include an image of the tags or send me a pm that would be great

Carrion takes the ring and bag of runes out of his backpack. They're followed quickly by some wool and the leg of a fox.
"These, all together."
(PM sent with photo.)
Brondulf takes the ring and bag in hand and briefly looks over them, giving a loud sigh of relief.
"Thank the gods for my fortune, and thank you for coming to me, I was sure these were lost"
He places the objects back on the table before reaching into his pouch, procuring a gold coin.
"As promised, a reward for your honesty."
"Oh, thank you." He accepts it with a nod. "I was happy to help, really. I would have been miserable if my own runes were lost."
Brondulf smiles and takes the runes and ring.
"If you would permit I would like to take the materials back as well."
"Of course. I suspected they were yours as well."
"Thank you once again."
The Einher grabs the materials.
"One last thing friend... would you happen to have any idea who stole these items?"