Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Neither Rain, Nor Sleet, Nor Brood... (TS. Sept. 4th, 5pm)
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Ursel can be seen wandering around the tavern and surrounding area asking if anybody has seen Dusara the Savar doctor. She doesn't seem to be in any particular rush.
The green clad shape of the jaguar can be seen sitting on a bench bent over a book, a small vial of seeds on one side and a quill on the other. She appears to be mumbling angrily to herself, occasionally her hand glows with channeled mana and she shakes it away with a curse to resume writing.
Ursel heads over and thrusts a letter with a gold seal out to the Savar. "Hello. I was asked to give this to you because apparently I'm everybody's delivery girl now. Dunno who it's from, something about an elf."
Looking up at Ursel the doctor quirks an eyebrow, "An elf you say? and with a gold seal too. I suppose that means Adeline has sent word from Tezoth's lands, I've been waiting to hear back from those who left to Amerinthia."

She takes the letter with a half bow in her seat, "Thank you mistress Woad, should you need healing or surgery again I would be happy to assist."

She smiles softly "Just no more Brood infestations if you can help it."
She chuckles, giving a little half bow. "I'll let you know if the need ever arises. And yeah... let's not have any more awkward surgeries, eh? Do take care of yourself in the meantime."
Unless anything else is said she wanders off in the direction of the cabins.