Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: A Watery Tart through the skein (Sunday Aug 13 10:00)
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As the gate of Ralinwood begins to stir, the smell of salt water follows a familiar figure through it. Mintha sets down a bag that she carried over her shoulder and removes the cloak covering her head to wring water out of it. She can be heard mumbling to herself in frustration.The moment quickly passes as she gathers her belongings once again and continues through town centre.
Pawp! looks up and waves her arm. "Hi, Minty!" she pauses as she approaches, carrying a box that says 'not a kaboom'.

"You're all wet."
"Hello little one" she says continuing walking

"Yes, that's my current state lately, although this was caused by the torrential rain that came down in Prospero Port" she wrings out some of her skirt
She grimaces at the mention of rain. "rain makes me all melty. oh! i got more neat stuff to sell!" she calls after her.
Ancel looks up from his chainmail to see Mintha and stands, waving to her as he approaches. He's got a sword strapped to his back and is carrying a very familiar leather-wrapped rod with a large carved hammer head on the end emblazoned with a golden anvil. "Hey, Mintha, if I remember correctly, you said you were able to put a razor's edge on a weapon, right?"
Mintha waves to Ancel

"No unfortunately I have decided to focus my training elsewhere, but perhaps one day. I know both Hawke and Vlad are capable with a fee"