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Full Version: A pop at the gate ((August 14, 7:00))
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The skein flashes and out of it a trunk slides to the ground. Its brown and etched with the words "not a kaboom." on one side. After it, the fat kobold known as Pawp! follows. 

"Thanks, shine gate." she utters as she picks up the portable trunk. She looks around. "amber rosa... gotta find it." she mumbles and heads towards town.
-Java relaxing in the tavern notices pawp and walks over- "Ello dare pawp~ How ya be little one?~"
She looks up with a toothy grin, then begins to shiver and twitch. "Hi Jaffa." she hugs his leg, then shakes all over. "I..I'm okay. Just looking for some Amber Rosa. You know where I can get any?" her pupils are pulled in tight and she's quivering slightly, itching her fur. "Ashy Dell was fun. Met lots of friends. Got lots of stuff. And a mate now too."
-Java looks down to her and rubs her head as she hugs him, but a look of realization washes over his face- "...Ambrosia...oh Pawp no...we need to get you a cure...and you have a Mate?...by de spirits Pawp...come and lets see if we can find Capri. He might know someone who can get you a cure" -Java picks up pawp and her things and makes his way off towards his camp or capri- "CAPRI!!! WE NEED AN AMBROSIA ANTIDOTE!!!"
She puffs herself as she's carried off. She seems oblivious to his panic. "well, yeah I got a mate. his name is Azzy and he's so andsome-hay and shy." she giggles and blushes a bit, then shakes herself and itches. "no. not a doting aunt. I need amber rosa." she can't do much but hang in his arms though.
Trudging from the forest near their camp, Capri looks tired as he clears the edge before hearing Java cry out.

"Bro get ya shouting down a peg or two, Whatcha talkin' about needing antidote for?"

His gaze looks to the kobald with a curious expression.
-Java stops as he hears capri, looks over to him and points to Pawp in his hands- "Pawp somehow managed to get Ambrosia in her system...only two ways to get dat out...an antidote or a trip through de resurrection circle"
He wrenches his body into stand tall slowly before focusing on Pawp with a blank stare.

"Serious? That shit ain't fucking easy ta be curing at all. Gonna have ta figure if anybody in town be good with cooking it up. I'll ask Mama if she be good with makin' it and go from there."

He makes his way off to the tavern with heavy steps and some stretching.
She hangs in his arms. "Hi Chief!" she greets. "I kaboomed in Ashy dell too. And then I saved Champ and then these pirates gave me good mead and then everything felt good. I want it to feel good again." she squirms in Java's arms. "they said they got the Amber Rosa Mead from Freshy's Pressure Plaza but they didn't have none when I checked. I want more though."
"I'll look after Pawp until you can get someting sorted out brotha..." -he looks to pawp- "...lets get you home little one...you got a long road of hardship ahead of you..." -he walks with pawp and her things back to their camp-
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