*From the direction of the Skein Gate, a masked Blank can be seen walking into town. He is wearing a brass-colored bowler, pinstripe dress pants, white gloves, and a softly black-glowing tailcoat with some fabric gashes on the lapel. He walks with a nice looking cane, his rapier at his side in a much nicer leather frog than usual.*
Carrion glances at him on the way to his cabin, then does a double take. He dashes over to where Blank is walking and awkwardly pats his shoulders. "Stjärna! Where have you been?"
*As Carrion dashes over he freezes mid-step, then rights himself. He speaks in a Cockney-like accent.*
"Ello there. Good te see ye', Carrion."
"Um. This is new. You alright?"
*He clears his throat*
"Oi. Roight. Thae'happened. I went off te' the cap-"
*He accent returns to his normal rasp*
"-itaaaal ciiity. I am back now. How isssss Ralinwood?"
"Um. Well. We have a lot of catching up to do. It's been an eventful week. Also I have a lot of your stuff." He smiles a little guiltily. "You left your tent open. Didn't want it getting stolen. Well, actually stolen. I only sort of stole it."
*He doffs his hat*
"Th-ank you bessst buddy. It's been a bit of a blur. Lot of walking. Cobblesssstone ssstreetss are gr-e-at."
*He pauses*
"Can I have my sssstuff back please?"
"Of course. It's in the cabin, I can fetch it if you want." He frowns. "You know, you should really warn people before leaving for so long. I was starting to worry."
"I know. I was in a hurry it ssseems."
*He makes a clicking noise, and starts jauntily walking toward the cabin*
Pawp!, carrying an armload of stuff, goes wide of Carrion and gives Blank a curious look.