Dont know if its just me, but I cant seem to change Wizwik's nor Java's signature. Is that something that can be fixed?
I'm also having this problem.
I can change mine just fine. Top of the page, click on User CP, then go to Change Signature
when I try it changes to a page with this on it
You do not have permission to access this document.
Web Server at
I get the same error and it is very much weird.

Maybe it's a browser thing? I used Chrome and Edge and it worked fine for me too.
I use chrome too =< ah well, not like it matters that much. Just wanted to change a small thing about Java XP
No guys I know what this is,, I was having the same problem.. It just means you have written one that is too long.. Shorten it down some until it goes through.. It is weird how they don''t tell you there is a cap or what it is,, but there is one and we gotta obey the secret number of characters..
Took out like, half my signature (the one I have now) and still get the error. So I don't think that's it this time. xD