*Gigoliath can be seen sitting in a chair, seemingly dragged from the tavern, out in the field of town center. He is wearing his full armor with his greatblade across the arms of the chair. Small flames wisp off the blade in the morning sunlight, though they do not seem to burn the chair. Many of his bags are about him as he watches toward the direction of the Sun*
-Java comes out from the path from stormvale and walks over to Gigoliath and sits next to him- "Ey Chief, glad ya could be here for de time."
Svala walks over from the tavern. She shifts one of Gigoliath's bags over a few inches and then sits down on the ground beside it. She looks up at him, squinting in the light.
*He smiles at them both, though he looks very tired*
"Mornin' te ye both. Just admirin' de great blazin' ball o' fya in de sky. Tinkin' Cora an I be headin' home tanight."
"She be tellin' me last night, but before ya go you best let us give ya a good send off~ Not every day you come visit Ralinwood~ We gona get shit faced and maybe see if Cora can drink Capri under~" he smiles
"Ah... I was considering staying here until I leave for Melinda. A lot of things happened over the last few days. Fuckin' Citadel..."
*He gives Java an eyebrow raised look*
"We can have some drinks befar we go, yah, but I gotta stay sharp, mon."
*He looks to Svala*
"You comin' too ah? Den by de' Flamforbund we share, I be honahd te' fight beside ya."
-Java chuckles- "True mon, but we've neva' shared a drink togetha...would do me a great honor..." -he stands up beside Gigoliath and looks to the sky- "...You've done a great deal good for all of us Gigoliath...You've helped put a fire in Capri in which I've never seen before...you saw him at his worst...and he was there at dat rock bottom for a damn long time...so tank you...from de bottom of dis humble Shamans green heart."
*He pats him on the shoulder*
"And tank ya fa bein' a worthy adviza to dis Chieftain. Capri be lucky te' have ye' as brotha."
*Oz wanders over from the Rose chapterhouse*
Well look at dis, me own brother lazin' about when dere be so much to do.