Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Precarious balance ((1pm, july 23rd))
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The rotund kobold that's been popping up to and fro the last couple of days walks back into town. Her eyes are heavy and her arms are full of what seem to be arbitrary odds and ends. She almost tumbles over as she balances them, giving a yawn and putting her hand-paw up to her mouth.
-Java walks up to her- "ello dar Pawp~ Ya need a hand it all dat?" he smiles
She looks up and beams with those grizzy teeth. "Hey there Jaffa. Oh, I'm okay, thanks." she says in her shrill little voice as she drops several paintings. She looks over her shoulder.
"woops." she mumbles to herself as she goes back to pick them up, now dropping a few small containers.
"I went scavenging last night!" she announces proudly.
"I can see dat~ Here let me help ya~" as he takes half the load off her hands and walks next to her- "Where we takin' dis?"
She beams gratefully. "You're right...thanks, Jaffa. Ummmm..." she thinks a moment. "To the tent so I can put it in my bag." she has her bag strapped to her back. It looks relatively empty.
"Alright~ Lets head dar den we can get someting to eat...you probably did eat anyting did ya~"
She shakes her head no as she keeps pace with him. "I forget to sometimes. Whoops. But rocks are just as good."
"...No dey aint little one, I'mma make ya someting proper dat dont give ya an upset stomach. Lets be off~" -Java starts walking in the direction of her tent-
She toddles after him, filling his ear with why rocks are just as good.