Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: *a flash from the skein* [July 21 4:30 pm]
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*a bright flash from the skein gate emerges. A high elf with purple hair enters out of the forest. She is wearing full chain and plate armour. Three swords are visible. A newly carved snow flake is on her left forearm. She carries a bag over her shoulder and walks towards town center*
Zaydesh is leaning against the rail of the cabin. He turns his head upon hearing someone approach, grinning when he sees who it is.
"Well hello."
*gnar stands near the portal relaxing and taking in his surrounding and then see Alexis and walks up*

hello my good friend how have you been
*excitement in her voice* " I'm so happy to see you two!" *she puts down her bag and hugs them both* "So I'm here... where do I set up camp?" *she smiles*
"With me. Miahla knows you were coming. Lets go drop off youre things... Gnar, coming with? Wouldnt hurt to have a Warden escort."
"Awesome, I miss her too. Let's go. " *waves her hand at Gnar insinuating to come along*
*he hops the rail and walks towards Old Stormvale*