Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Skein Activity T:S July 20, 22:30
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A 6 foot tall human dressed in a green cloak, black pants and a studded leather chest piece appears through the Skein gate with a pack on his back, he looks around for a few moments before checking to make sure the two swords on either hip are there. "Looks like I have everything..."
-A wild elf, wearing a blue cloak, a black shirt that looks like a leaf and green pants walks past. He seems to carry no weapons. Seeing the stranger, he nods- Welcome to Ralinwood, Stranger, what brings you here?
"Ah thank you, I'm just here to visit for a bit, needed a bit of a break from all the bullshit back in Jericho." He smiles "The name's Aidan by the way."
-He nears and extends his hand- Lamalas, Lamalas Tinehtelë, Aspiring Cleric of Valdr, at your service.
Aidan takes his hand giving it a strong shake "Pleasure to meet you Lamalas."
-He shakes firm and nods- Likewise, might I suggest heading towards the Tavern, there is plenty of space to set up ones tent and introducing yourself to the Tavern Keeper, Jannika, is always a grand idea if you want to stay well fed while in town. -He chuckles-