Mintha can be seen coming from the direction on the Skein gate pulling a small cart with all of her belongings packed tightly onto it with heavy rope. She pauses for a moment by the notice board to quickly pin a note to it, and then continues onto the edge of town centre and begins setting up a small dwelling.
She is noticeably lacking icy features.
*Zay approaches, then pauses. He looks Mintha over before smiling and approaching arms open*
"Marhaban, sister!l
*mintha pauses only when she hears zaydeshs voice. She drops what she is doing and moves in for a hug*
" good to see you brother "
*she quickly gets back to setting up*
"I've missed you."
*looks at what she is doing*
"Need some help?"
*mintha looks quite frazzled*
"Uhm yes actually. Do you mind taking my shop tent and putting it over there?" *points to a nearby area of TC*
*picks up the tent*
"Staying long this time?"
*walks over to the spot indicated*
*mintha pauses for a moment and sighs*
"Staying for good this time, brother"
*stops, turns, with a shocked look on his face*
"yes." *She says briefly before turning back to her work*
"Jericho is no longer the place for me. My family is here and my heart feels more at home in these lands"
*mintha grips her chest and looks saddened*
"Although it wasn't an easy decision. I had to make sacrifices"
*nods, his expression returning to normal. He starts working on setting up the tent*
"I'm sorry... whatever you need, do not hesitate to ask. I will do anything I can for you."