Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Marshal / NPL Teams 2017/2018
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Please welcome all the volunteers / staff members Ralinwood for the 2017/2018 Season. 

New Player Liaison ("NPLs")


Head NPL
Justin Hollander

Alex Heintz
Breanna Monks
Thomas Reid
Falcon Durrer
Jada Thornhill
Christian Kimmerer

Con Team
Email: contact@underworldralinwood.ca

Conventions Directors
Angela Scarlett / Ivanna Iwasykiw

Con Team
Alex Heintz
Sureeta Inderdeo
Justin Hollander 
Jeff Barth
Christian Kimmerer

Armour / Weapons Marshals

Head Armour Marshal:
David Elis

Armour Marshals:
Jake Ruble
Connor Lavoy
Aaron Hanna
Jason Bilow
Levi Maidens
Matty Cameron

Medical / Safety Marshals
Email: contact@underworldralinwood.ca

Head Medical Marshal
Julia Perge

Medical Marshals
Mari Caige
Christian Kimmerer
Dustin Morris-Nicholas Smith
Falcon Durrer
Thomas Gregory Graham Reid
David Croitou