*Ostrozne steps out of the Skein gate in the early afternoon. He is fully armoured with his weapons hanging at his sides. In each hand is a banner, one bearing the holy symbol of Roland, the other the symbol of the Blood Red Rose. He immediately walks over towards the notice board, carefully reading a select few document. After a few moments he writes one of his own and tacks it to the board*
-Wizwik can be seen outside his tent eating lunch, he waves to Ostonze- "Hi Oz~ Welcome back to Ralinwood~"
*Blank watches from beneath the shade of a tree. He gives a creaky wave at Oz.*
*Oz gives a wave to Wizwik*
It be a long overdue visit, ya? Ain't been by since da hallow's, so it already be feelin' more accomodatin'.
*Oz turns over towards Blank*
Ahh, hello again... uhh... Mister Blank Fellow... tingy.
"I'm glad your back Oz...Ralinwood is in some trouble again...still is I think...the land is sick with wytch magic...and a lot of strange things have been happening...Just a friendly warning." He smiles, wizwik physically doesn't look well. Dark bags under his eyes from lack of sleep and pale skin from some kind of illness.
*Zaydesh makes his way over*
"Welcome back, Paladin Oz. It is a pleasure to see you again."
-He seems to come towards the notice board at a quickened pace. He smiles when he sees the large ogre- I knew I heard a familiar voice! Oz, a pleasure to see you again. Will you be staying for a while, and in need of a place to sleep?
Stepping forth through the forest line with a large keg upon his shoulder, Capri spots Oz and gives a hearty guffaw as he approaches with mirth.
"Sir Brotha Oz, it be a righteous thing Ya'll making ya trek here. Glad ta be having ya join us on the south side. Be trusting yer trip be a smooth groove?"
*Oz nods slowly at Wizwik*
Very familiar wit dat sort o' trouble. But how I be able to assist will be up to dat Lady Aminata. Many tings to discuss, ya?
*Oz turns to Zaydesh, Lamalas and Capri*
Ya people be hard up for entertainments dat a fat Ogre brings out da welcomin' squad? Zaydesh, when didja start talkin'?! And hello Lamalas, how ya been? I be wanderin' around fer a few days gettin' da lay o' da land again. Squire Hawke an' me be good fer accomodations, I thank ya. How be Declan? An' Capri! I be havin' a thirst dat don't be tastin' o' stump water.
"Many better then I to talk about what troubles the lands...like these fine people...I'll leave you to your reuniting" -Wizwik tips his hat and continues his lunch-