A plump lad in a grey robe and hooded cloak enters town with a wooden staff in one hand and a book in the other. If he had a large pointed hat, he'd be a walking wizard stereotype.
-Wizwik looks from his tent over to the figure, he walks over to the man. Wizwik looks rather sick- "Hello~ what brings you to Ralinwood?"
The robed man looks at the tiny person with fascination for a few moments before shaking his head to regain his thoughts. "Wait, this is Ralinwood? Oh thank papyrus! I thought I got off on the wrong boat. I've been trying to get here for the last few days!"
"Oh really? Well you are indeed in Ralinwood...you looking for someone? an organization some kind?"
"No no, I'm staying here for the foreseeable future, I'll just have to send more my supplies at the docks. I thought we landed on Dayten and I'd have to find an inn, but my navigation skills were proven wrong." He looks around the settlement with barely contained excitment. "I've heard interesting things about this place. Oh! I'm Sathis Aren, of the merchant house Aren. It's a pleasure to meet you..."
-Wizwik tips his hat- "Wizwik, Gnome of Ralinwood, nice to meet you~ Welcome to Ralinwood~ We have an Tavern that can provide bedding until you get settled in either at one of the cabins or a tent." he points to the tavern "You have heard right of this place having some very interesting things, both bad and good."
Sathis smiles broadly and nods. "Then this will be a perfect place for my studies! I'm sure this town can make use of a healer, correct?"
"Indeed~ Ralinwood does have a Hospital, I forget exactly who is in charge of it but if your a healer they'd be happy to have more people to help out...Doctor or Caster?"
Sathis looks down at his garb and offers a humours smile. "I'm a caster. Though I hope to learn to understand anatomy one day."
he shrugs "Cant be to careful~ Oh and down that path over there is where our town fire is. A good number of people gather to chat and relax...also lots of strange things happen there...so if you want to study something, hang around there long enough and something will come your way...dont let that push you away from it though, just be prepared"