Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Trudging out into the night. [Apr.25th - 9:15pm]
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In the chill of the night the skein shines alive before heaving through the familiar form of a tall and lanky Orc, his landing a bit rough as he braces himself with his free hand and a dropped knee. He slowly turns himself to stand tall and looks about at how late the day has become before heading off towards the Tavern.

"Guess a brotha got all jumbled in that their gate trip. Suppose I aoughta up and clear out and lock up me gear and get myself back into the groove here. Shishishi~"

He continues on towards the tavern if undisturbed.
-Java makes his way out of the woods- "Brotha!" he runs over to him "Oh mon, I be glad ya be back safe...please...tell me up some good news...How be Cora and de rest of de Brewlords?"
Turning to Java with elation in his expression, Capri pats him on the shoulder before turning him towards their shared home in the forest.

"I be glad ta see ya up too lil' bro, I'll save the 'splaining for when we's inside. Shit got wild ya gots ta be understandin' so this'll be heavy brew ta ingest. C'mon."

He heads off and leads Java away form the skein area looking about with care.
-Java follows looking relieved- "You wouldn't look so happy if tings ended badly...I be lookin forward to dis tale indeed~" he smiles as they continue-