*The door to the cabin directly across the field from the Tavern is kicked open and a large sack is tossed out onto the porch. A moment later, Drakkon steps through the doorway with a chest in both hands which he places on the rail before turning and closing the door over. He shoulders the sack by the strap attached to it before picking the chest back up. If not interrupted he pick the chest back up and moves in the opposite direction of the docks and into the woods*
*Seeing Drakkon leaving the cabin with his kit, Rangor hurries to catch up to him*
"Drakkon, my friend whats going on? you are acting out of sorts"
Whatever the fuckin' Orcs did ta me has me feelin' like shit. I feel run down after feelin' very strong and tough and now not so much. Part of me is cravin' ta have it back. An', Lilith moved out without a single word an' apparently is back in with Sevatar again. The bitch left me at the worst time possible. So, I'm headin' inta the woods fer a few days to get some shit sorted out.
I can certainly understand needing to clear your head after all that has happened. I'll see if i can whip something for you to help. I'll walk you out and if you need a friendly ear, im here for you
*Shakes his head*
You stay here. I'll be fine. I appreciate yer concern. I'll be back sometime soon. Month at the most. Need ta get a handle on things so I don't stab her or someone else.
*Turns and continues on*