Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: A walk to remember (Apr 9, sunrise)
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-As the sun begins to peek over the horizon, Lam can be seen packing up his tent. He has a couple bundles beside his Grove and he seems to be preparing to move-
-Wizwik wakes hearing the noise outside his tent-

"L..lamalas?...where are you going?..." he speaks softly and clearly tired

Wizwik looks like he woke up after a very bad sleep
-He looks over- Morning Wiz, I have a trek I need to do, you'll find some more information inside the cabin but I should be gone a little over a month.
-Wizwik looking out of it, yawning- "...ok...wait...if you are gone...Mama is gone...dechlan is gone...who is going to be in charge of the guiding lights?..."
Jannika is here, she was at the tavern yesterday, didn't you see her? I wouldn't abandon the camp with noone Wiz. -He starts to pack his tent into its bag-
"...heh...right...sorry, of course...I've been having to drink myself to sleep these past nights.....I know you wouldnt leave for any silly reason....just be safe...come back safe....and hopefully we can get this all fixed when you get back....if it wasnt fixed already....cant tell if the earth is still fucked..."
-He nods and pats Wizwik on the back, avoiding his shoulder- The land is indeed sick, but hopefully this will be the next step in curing it.
"Ok...im...going to eat grave dirt then go back to bed...I fucking hate this curse..." -Wizwik crawls back into his tent-