Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Clicking and Clacking (TS March 20, 12:40 pm)
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*Blank can be seen outside his tent, clutching his stomach and making a clicking noise. He is surrounded by 6 scarecrows. His tent has several tiny (around 2 inches long) yarn dolls hanging from the entrance. He occasionally tightens his coat around him.*
Carrion slows as he walks by Blank's tent, and frowns slightly. He stands ten feet from the collection of scarecrows.

"You alright?"
*He nods in a stiff motion*

"Kind of. My stom-ach hurts."
"Is there anything I can get for you? If you were anyone else I'd offer to get you some tea, but I know your preference for juice..." He lowers himself to the ground to sit across from Blank. "What kind of hurt is it?"