Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Exiting Through The Skien Gate [Feb. 26 00:01]
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A human male covered in mud soaked black robes steps through the tree line silent aside from the occasional clanking of metal on metal from beneath the robes. He looks around the area and remains still for a moment, after a few seconds he moves towards the Skien Gate. As it begins to activate he looks down at his left hand and removes a black glove. As the light of the Skien portal illuminates the man anyone around can see a tattoo of a black spider on his hand. He withdraws a black bladed stilletto from beneath his robes and begins to cut away at the spider. When finished he holds up his hand glistening with blood and stares at it for a long moment, he then steps through the skien still staring at the blood glistening on his hand.
Aeval stands by the treeline covered in mud as well, she watches as the man cuts away at his hand. As he steps through the skein gate she frowns and retrieves the piece of skin left behind ((should there be any)) , wrapping it in a cloth. She tucks it away in a glowing pack and waves goodbye.