Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Let the hunt begin (Feb 21 9 am)
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A flash of light could be seen early in the morning near the Skien Gate. From it would step a tall female wild elf. Cherrywood bow slung over her chest while her quiver bounced at her hip, glimmering with silver and iron. Form sheltered from the cool weather by a large winged cloak pulled close around her shoulders. One arm extended and holding within it a fang shaped banner, flying proudly in the wind.

She would walk a short distance from the gate before stopping; Keen eyes surveying her new hunting grounds.
-Seeing the Flash from his Grove, he heads over to see. Seeing the Elf he smiles and steps forward- Greetings and welcome to Ralinwood.

-He wears his usual dark blue cloak and leather hat with a green headband underneath and hanging down his back. Several medallions of Valdr hang from his neck and a golden rose is pinned on his chest, above his heart.-
Sheala would turn slowly to face Lamalas as he walks over to greet her. Offering a warm smile and a polite bow of her head "Thank you. I am Sheala, Cleric of Sybil. I've heard of the troubles your land has gone through, and the need to feed your people. So i have come to lend my aid as a huntress for a few days"
A pleasure indeed then, I am Lamalas Tinehtelë, Aspiring Cleric of Valdr, Council Member of the Guiding Lights, and Druid in these lands. It is true that things have been hard since the demons came last fall, I tried what I could to heal the land but sadly my efforts were not enough. Please, walk with me, and I will show you around. -He offers his arm-
Sheala would reach out to take his arm and allow him to lead her around "i have heard many a things of Ralinwood, but is my first visit. I look forward to assessing the hunting grounds" a frown crossing her lips at the mention of the land "then all we can do is pray, and hope, that Dunarthos comes to heal these lands of their scars. You will need your farmers well feed and raken care of in order to help".
-He nods at her words as he leads her through Ralinwood. He points out places like the Tavern, the Town Center Firepit, and his own Grove.- I agree about the farmers, they are our last line against starvation before the winter is over. Lady Jannika runs the Tavern here, she is another Council Member of the Guiding Lights and a wonderful woman. She keeps us all fed as best as she can, but without aid, even that will fail sooner then later.
" if you see Lady Jannika please tell her i would like to sit and maybe talk out a plan for hunting. And if you know anyone else who might like to chat. I will be setting my tent up in the woods, but will be easy to find. I need to assess the animal trails and do some tracking to see just how much we can safely hunt without hurting animal populations. I thank you for showing me around, and i am sure you will see me at the tavern or around the fire pit".
-He smiles and bows his head, removing his hat briefly- I shall, I am sure she would like to talk as well. If you ever find yourself in trouble, you can find me at my Grove most of the time. Please feel free to come by anytime.