Riven wanders into the trees from Town Center, carrying his tent and as much of his possessions as he can hold. He eventually comes to a stop and looks around "It was here..." He places his things down and gets to work setting up his tent.
[ah forgot a timestamp: February 12th 11:56 pm]
When he's done setting up, he sits in the door of his tent and stares off into the distance.
Wandering about in the midst of the eve smoldering away like usual, Turrent hobbles along dragging a small empty sled behind him. Spotting the lone individual in town center he makes his way over with alittle effort ,quirking his brow before speaking with a smile.
"G'day Snowball, ya lookin' like ya roight off inta a trip wit' ta chems. What's eating ya matey?"
He looks up at with a dead look in his eyes "Oh." His gaze goes back to the trees "Just--" He stops mid-sentence. A devilish smile creeps onto his face. "Hey, how many bombs do you think you can make in a...maybe a week's time?" his tone is filled with eagerness.
Slumping onto his sled and seating himself comfortably, Turrent lets out a string of manic giggles before answering as his smile breaks wider.
"That be dependin' on 'ow much ya can be suppling me wit' Snowball, but fair ta say it be more than ya be expectin'. I got tha tools an' time fer it but the supplies be me downfall. Ya got somethin' scheming in yer mind and I like it so spill kiddo."
"Perhaps" he grins "Have you been reading the notice board? Particularly the bit about the mysterious creature Carrion posted?"
"I been hearin' talk o' it sure, sounds a roight bit wild. Guessin' ya gots an idea cooking ta be doin' something 'bout it?"
He finishes his words and brushes away some of the snow from his right leg grumbling at the creaks it quietly makes as he moves it slightly.
"Unless something changes, it manifests and becomes tangible to our weapons only after it's consumed a spirit. Unless we can find a way to harm it while it's incorporeal, the only option available to us is to wait for it to feed and then hit it as hard as we can. So, if we can't find a way to stop it before it feeds, my idea is to set up a horde of bombs in this area and set them off as soon as it rears its ugly head. One big explosion to obliterate it into pieces"
Turrent's eyes narrow but his smile reaches psychotic levels of glee as he looks to Riven, a line of giggles still coming through.
"Tha be somethin' I can get behind, all I be needin' is supplies. Me stock been dwindling so if ya lot wanna make it so ya can be dealin' with this thing in a swoop o' sorts then get me a stock. I'll get ya a roight perfect combo ta turn 'er ta cinders ya could be smokin'. Gonna need a ripe amount ta do so though so as much as ya can be doin' be grand. Sound aces ta ya Snowball?"
He pulls out a vial of powder and devours some with a small crackle and plumes of smog flowing from his nose and his smile.
"Perfect" he bites his bottom lip in a savage grin "Just let me know what kinds of materials you need and I'll get in touch with Carrion and see what we can get together for you"