Stepping out of the tavern and into the midst of town, Capri hoisted with his satchel and backpack and holding a overly large moonshine jug in his off hand looks up for a few moments. With a chuckle and a shimmy to adjust the straps upon his shoulders, he turns around awaiting someone with a tap of his foot.
"Yo Bro, ya'll coming along or what? We gots ta be gettin' our groove on if we gonna get the clan togetha and ready for the festivities. Ain't no time ta be writing in some filler pages to our books o' life, 'sides ain't ya excited ta be hittin' up a new place fer ya peepers?"
-Java comes out with his things on his back, his tent along with everything he would need to travel-
"Sorry brotha, wanted to make sure I not forget anything~. I am exited for dis trip, we haven't traveled togetha in years~." -Java stands next to him- "Alright I be ready~"
Capri lets out a hearty chuckle as he lightens Java's load by shouldering some gear with his free arm. He leads them to the skein if not interrupted.
"Dat be true Java, just all bein' careful since it be a new land. They up and be chill wit' ya bro and should be with ya self, but be on ya best and keep yer eyes all peeled. We'll set on up soon as we gots our selves to town and find the Chief or Sis. Let's groove on outta here for a time, mind tacking up this notice on the tavern 'fore we go?"
Capri turns slightly to the side with a sheet of parchment wrenched into his belt.
-java gives a nod-
"Of course brotha I be good~ Keep tings simple, smooth and chill~...Sure brotha not a problem~"
-He slips the parchment out of his belt seeing Capri's hands full-
"One moment I be back" as he goes over to the notice board and tacks up the parchment all straight and readable. He comes back over to Capri's side
"Anyting else we need do before we jive on to Jericho?~"
Capri takes a few moments to ponder before turning to Java with a shake of his head.
"Ain't thinking so at the time, I can use dis trip ta groove and maybe take care o' some things. I gots some questioning I'd be liking answers to but gotta find folk who can be doing the answering. Shouldn't all be hard. Fer now let's get our party on Java-bro. Follow me."
He steps towards the skein gate with a jovial bounce to his step.
-Java nods and walks with him as they walk towards the skein gate-
Unless halted in some fashion, Capri and Java approach and work out the gate before stepping through in a flash.