Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Morning Solitude (Jan 30 @ 6am)
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*Coming out of the cabin, my bag slung over my shoulder, and alone, I stop on the porch and look across the field. I take a moment and let the calmness and the silence settle in. Knowing full well the town will be bustling shortly with the coming and goings of the townsfolk. I allow my eyes too lift from the empty field and towards the sky, the stars still twinkling as the early stages of sunset begin on the edges of the horizon, the dark purples, blues and blacks of the night hinting the slightest bits of or warmer tones.

I take a deep breath and then begin to walk left, away from the cabin, my ears listening to the sounds of the forest as I do. I make my way to the spot Llamalas and I had spoken about using for a future church. I make sure to respect the boundries already in place and slip into the wooded area a slight bit. Seeing a fairly cleared out area I begin to setup with items from my bag, two small bowls each filled with a bit of mead. Once done I take off my cloak and lay it out in front of this and kneel down. I then bow my head and grasp my holy symbol and begin to pray*

(( email incoming to shapers ))
*Once finished I pack up my belongs and head back into the cabin if uninterrupted *