Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Curses and the Knight
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Anya wanders around town whilst calling out " I am looking for Sevetar! I am wandering a round looking for Sevetar!" as loudly as her sore throat will allow. Her voice sounds scratchy and not like her normal self. She grasps at her throat sadly. "Oh my gods this curse is going to make me lose my voice!" She whines. "I am in pain and still looking for Sevetar!" She cries out. "I am walking, I am walking,I am walking..." She continues as she heads towards the tavern. If not stopped along the way she sits on top of a barrel outside of the tavern.
*a very grumbly and agistated Jannika glances at the young Aja*

Alzough it vould hev been respectful to announce yourself to zhe Ajaunti matriarch - dont bozzer!

If you are to be screaming like zhe banshees - do it elsevhere.
End don't use zhese thunderboxes -
My patrons do not need to hear you announce zhat yu are voiding zhe bladder or moving zhe bowels!!

*slams down her rolling pin and begins filling pie shells*