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Full Version: Marking the Ground {Jan 30- 10am}
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Nennia can be seen putting sticks in the ground. She pounds them into the grass keeping them steady, then slowly paces a distance before sinking another stake. She's creating a square with string, tying the perimeter together.

Once she's finished the perimeter she stands straight, hands on her hips to look the work over.
-The wild elf walks past, his silver staff once again missing. He looks to the draconian and raises a brow- Hello there, don't believe we had a chance to meet, but I saw you at the feast. Lamalas Tinehtelë, Aspiring Cleric of Valdr, a pleasure to meet you.
Turning toward the Elf she introduces herself.

"Nennia Lyftfloga, I saw you as well at the Aja feast. I also heard tell of your triumph over a bear. Congratulations!
I haven't had a real chance to familiarize myself with the town, so forgive me not coming around to introduce myself."
Ahh yes the bear, a fine battle. A worthy opponent to bring glory to Valdr.

I understand needing time to get adjusted to a new home. Might I ask what you are plotting out? Ground is pretty frozen to be putting down stakes. -He chuckles-
Nennia smiles at the comment about frozen ground,

"Yes, the soil is quiet solid right now. So it's likely the perfect time to claim a spot for putting up a building.
I've been letting those I've had a chance to speak with know that I'm starting a Bakery in town."

She smiles indulgently at the mention of Valdr, or God's in general.

"I'm sure your god is watching, and has the time to note the exploits of his followers."

Finished staking her land claim, Nennia packs up her things and cleans the site.
A bakery? Sounds interesting. Will you be selling cheesecake?

And yes, I am sure Valdr was watching. My actions are to please him, which is also why I didn't kill the bear, his animal spirit, and just defeated it in combat.
"Why yes, eating the cheesecake at the feast recently has given me an idea for a new recipe.
It would be a cake slice drizzled with in an alcoholic reduction for sauce. Combine two of this town's favourite things, sweets and liquor."

She finishes cleaning up and turns to the Elf one last time,

"Once the preparations are complete, I'll make a formal post on the notice board. With the menu and prices of goods available. I hope you have a pleasant day."

If she isn't stopped, Nennia heads towards the Tavern...
-He nods and bows his head- Take care, I will keep an eye open for your notice. -He lets her leave and heads away himself-